Mark Grisham
Post: In Sweden we just let our least favourite kid climb around up there (me as a kid)
Post: The bird:
Post: The royal queerforce
Post: breakes made by Xiaomi
Post: or one eye would be too close to the center and the other one too far
Post: Equal lefts and rights
Post: Not enough tampons, I guess?
Post: Dude go see a doctor ,6 feet you say ? How do you walk.?
Post: Man.. They just attention whores. Not at all sensible persons.
Post: Good for You but it sounds pretty boring to me. A new model every 10 to 15 year.
Post: sure thats the only reason they laugh at you OP
Post: Or the door of the past I have seen these forever
Post: (windows shutting down noises)
Post: Where are the prostitutes?
Post: Serius tanya, hubungannya UNICEF sama air minum apa?
Post: For comparison tank obstacles in Germany 80 years later. Highest about 1,8 meters
Post: Cristiano Ronaldo
Post: What ? They weren't treated like guests ? I wonder why ? Maybe because they were trespassing... ?
Post: the penis ring of the future
Post: She planing to be a single mum ?
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