Imagine being a straight, civilized salaryman minding your own business, trying to get to the supermarket to buy weekly groceries with your hard-earned money. Then you hear a loud banging noise from the back of the car you spent years to be able to afford, and when you turn around you see a half-dead, disfigured, furless monkey stuck to what's left of your tailgate.
Then you realize it's gonna be a few weeks of dealing with insurance, speaking with the monkey's family who speak like they don't deserve this, and horrible public transportation rides because you can't use your car while it's repaired.
Katie Berry
Rose-marie Evans
Rosey Paul
Linda Briere
Debbra Burns
Dona Brown Moyers
Johnny Gamboa
Nancey Ali
Christine Keirs
Tara Gordon
Ryan Jay
Mark Grisham
Janet E Mountcastle
Subedi Chitra
Carmelita Russiana-Catubig Lisondra
Jeff McDaniel
Edward Rush
Elaine Fragua
Lisa Hicks