Actually, that's genius: Draft minorities, get them to stimulate the economy, have them purged on the battlefield. Three birds with one stone.
let me see if i understand... im forced to die so putler can have a piece of land filled with rubble AND i have to get a loan to afford to do it? sounds like a great deal sign me up
The sad thing is that the average Russian doesn't even take 5 minutes to consider if this is normal... The great leader says so, so we do it
"We haVE WeaPOnS NaTO caNNoT ImAgINe"
Who would give a loan to anybody who will likely be dead in a week? Loan paid back from compensation money? Do they accept Lada as repayment? So many questions.
You couldn’t make this shit up.
Considering their life expectancy, I suspect the terms are Chicago loan shark. Fifty percent down, the rest now.
I wonder where the are getting those 1.5 million uniforms from? Also in totally unrelated news. RAF have no idea what happed to 1.5 million uniforms that were in storage.
But Putin said on Sept. 30th that capitalism exploits minorities and he will destroy this satanic hegemony exploiting the poor... huh... sure bro...
ok, so why are ukranians shooting at unarmed people that are literally forced to be there?
C'mon it cannot be true! I know russia is a shithole but this move it to 4th world country 😄
Real life Tarkov
If just not buy anything.
@johnsmth9x9 Are you this much fucking retarded? Russian military doctrine is a joke, like 100yo, more tanks, more man. If we lose them, new batch of tanks and man. But to believe this shit, you must be Nigerian level of retarded.