Santana Sanchez
Post: My god what an unbelievable cuck. The levels of cringe are unfathomable
Post: Wo StVO Anpassung
Post: "i swear im virgin" Also her: *this post*
Post: Imagine how you smell after doing this all day long
Post: Op you forgot this
Post: Lots of detail in it. Keep it up op
Post: I can smell the inside of the train
Post: Oh my bones...this is too funny. I may endulge in some ROTFL soon.
Post: sure.. someone will touch me.. didnt happen in 4years...
Post: Why? They are connected by the same gear, there is no way they will meet
Post: "It's the writing it down part that makes it not arson" LMFAO!
Post: Judging by how Adam Sandler looks on this photo, this kid is now a middle aged man
Post: Sauce please
Post: Surprise her with anal sex.
Post: Okay, i will be the first mentioning it. Romania
Post: Damn, most of his customers are chicks
Post: That canal is a goner anyway. They know the question is when, not if they gonna lose it
Post: I like him as a comedian, but never understand people chasing celebrities.
Post: The driver be like...
Post: Haha awesome. I know what I’ll buy my friend’s daughter next
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