It is simple really public transport is for the poor.
Paris in general has shitty public transport compared to the rest of France.
If you wanna experience french culture don't go to Paris it is a hellhole.
Ah, I love racism; because you ask people that these posts criticize what they think about the posts and they go "that shit is accurate and I fucking hate them acting that way".
Inez Rubio
Janelle Williams
Gina Passarella
Chris Smith
Ryan Sammis
Carrington Keys
Jessica Nicholls
Jeanene Vanzandt
Katherine Rossborough
Dona Brown Moyers
Angela Brawley
Britteny Forbush
Lena Jones
Cheryl Hasiak
Ginger Bugielski
Megha Negi
Santana Sanchez
Harsh Mishra
Bunny Bugg