Ryan Sammis
Post: Before you love someone else try love yourself first
Post: You better spoil the hell out of that hero animal you little yellow fucks!
Post: This won't work with s sorting algorithm but I appreciate the concept
Post: I believed my phone struggled to download, well done OP !
Post: See! Fucking dicks! They have enough and still fill those bags so poorly! Cheap bastards
Post: I can smell the inside of the train
Post: instantly gives the creep power over her appearance.
Post: this is so fucin far from the truth it hurts. OP clearly 12
Post: That's nice, one guy restoring at least some of India's honour.
Post: i can also predict you are going take a shit in the future
Post: who got this one
Post: Or the door of the past I have seen these forever
Post: Surprise her with anal sex.
Post: ty for circling it, i would have missed it otherwise
Post: Where are the prostitutes?
Post: Un pingouin c est pas un manchot....
Post: For comparison tank obstacles in Germany 80 years later. Highest about 1,8 meters
Post: Throw some opened cans of Surstroemming in there before leaving
Post: Paintball but with real bullet
Post: the penis ring of the future
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