for those who don't know, here's the short version Lula da Silva is union leader, socialist (in his youth he had some connection with ML communists) and environmentalist with passion for public nutrition, public health and higher education/research institutions. he is known for being compassionate, promoting LGBTQIA+ awareness and leading Brazil through Lulismo period of growth.
while Bolsanro supporters are basically the Catholic version of Taliban, and he himself is like more extreme version of trump. he wants to make farmland by clearing Amazon, sterilize the natives and promote more "wHiTe cHiLdReN"
Any Brazilians here care to explain the main differences between those two? I hear the Bolsolero or whatever wants to chop Amazon and the woman doesn't. Anything else?
Dont believe in political narratives and promises. Check brazilian national accounts results. We have set records on performance amid covid and international conflits. The left is a cancer to Brazil. Bolsonaro himself is not a role model, but his team gas done great job and this is what matters. Lula ist a condemned corrupt and thief, there is no poont in believing anything from his party.
and that's why you dumb fcks would be better ruled by monkeys. You idiots can't make an opinion for yourself and follow dumb think thankers like those who brainwashes everyone. Stop looking and repeating what others say and go look at facts and make your own opinion. If they are in favor, i be careful and take a better look. they are selling you a pig with makeup. And being a paid article, says everything. "lets make some controversial title, but restrict an article so no one can disprove lool
I am Brazillian both Lula and Bolsonaro are both gang masters, it doesn't matter who wins Brazil still fucked.
Lula has connections with the killing of Celso Daniel which was a comember of PT who was the mayor of a city called Santo André, also he stole a ton a money with corruption scandals and etc, the guy is a complete thief.
Bolsonaro stole all his mandate long, had a secret Government Budget who will be hidden for the next 100 years, bought 53 houses with cash so it can't get traced, his family is deep into money laundry and Rio de Janeiro Milicias.
Just look at me getting all the downvotes because everyone is brainwashed in Brazil.
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