This is the result of telling a bunch of unremarkable people that they are remarkable
OP is 14, and thinks this is deep 🙄
I propose reinstating slavery so we don't have to do these jobs, what? You thought we could solve it in another way? How? Communism?
Without these meaningless jobs the world would look like some african village..
Okay, do it then. Find the job you are passionate about or start that fucking business in any way you can instead of pretending you are a fucking slave who makes money (nice oxymoron btw). The only person limiting your potential is yourself, not some invisible system because the only thing you are good at happens to be packing boxes.
Damn what a crybaby edgy generation we are..
Boo fucking hoo. Grow the fuck up, its not all sunshine, rainbows, and unicorn farts. You don't like what you're doing, change it. Get a skill and a trade and don't he shit others won't. Maybe you shouldn't be running the fry machine at burger king at 35, look and see where you fucked up. I'm 43 and have had 3 different careers in my life, get to it.
Their are makers and their are doers. Know where you stand, expertise and make the most out of it. You don't need a gazillion dollars to be happy, you just need enough money that covers all your basic needs in a manner you dont ever have to focus on "surviving", and thats more than enough, Your surplus above that can depend on what you want, and its always achievable if you dont ever have to think about survival. You will have a happy ducking life
Hahaha. 4million americans in april actually believe they are worth more than they actuappy are. This brings me hours of humour.
The reasons why these "problems" exist: * A fairly sufficient governmental safety net * No real-world problems that they need to fight, apart from just driving to work, doing work, and going back home * No real culture or community vibe to embrace into * Being told day in and day out that they're special, without really having anything special * Being told they all could be kings if they just worked hard enough, while failing to mention that if everyone's a king, then no one is. That's how inflation works.
Well whos gonna do those jobs if no one wanna do it? Serious q
You can’t buy food with happiness and self fulfillment
hi op
direct result of the destruction of small businesses. can’t start one anymore die to LOBBYING!
welcome in life
If you can only survive doing something you hate then: 1. I don't believe you. Is that really really the only thing you can do for this world? 2. It's just your fault to be there.
All i see is excuses
The message here is clear: OP is unemployable with his lack of skills and gender studies degree.