Does anyone know the bechdel test? It's a test for movie showing wether a movie is overly male focused. For a movie to pass the bechdel test, the movie needs:
-at least 2 females with a name mentioned in the movie
-Those two females speaking to each other
-Those two females speaking to each other about something else than guys
Think about it... The whole first trilogy of star wars did NOT pass the test. It's quite interesting.
Anyway... my guess is, that this movie will be the first to not pass the "anti bechdel test".
There will be no more than 4 guys even being named in the movie and whenever they talk to each other, it will be about how weak women are. If this is the progress you are looking for in a less male dominating movie industry... yeah. Congratz.
Wanda Dodge
Melissa Huotari Carlson
Jenn Wilson
Leoj Flores Vaccountal
Alecia Rakes
Murtaza Kothari
Itsnot Youme
Peter Patino
Axad AR
Mariella Busuttil
Adele Semenaviciene