Make it bomb proof and we have a new way to bring freedom to the rest of you, don't worry we will make it fair by selling you the same weapons we intend to use on you at a much higher markup of course.
Now make it mind control so fat yanks could go to the fridge to get their daily dose of diet coke and refried chips without having to move their muscles.
Now just make it faster and add a set of miniguns, and there you go - perfect machine for the war. Not like it would be used for... oh i don't know... helping through bushfires or after earthquakes...
Artika Lata
Casey Strunk
Kylie Hood
Doris Aiken
Waylon Jamez Swan
Leni Baliza
Jordan LovesteslaforEva Guy
Lisa Carter
Eun Hee Lee
Lori Dunn
Judie Farley
Leah Endozo Ornales
Nisim Salinas
Dhonna Ricohermozo Rodriguez
Brian Mackenzie
Cyndie Guut
Imane Ait El
John Case
Sulaimon Shukroh Modupehorlaa