Yes, you can play it solo just fine. The people who claim it is harder aren't lying, but it is perfectly doable. And things like the troll-armour and lots of sneaking is far more viable when playing solo.
No not really.
wait for the next big update. and only get it if you want to Build stuff, not for story or the combat. 5 bosses are done faster than you think and then there is nothing left than building pretty stuff. for which i do recommend the game, its graphics have a nice charme. but then again, i Play Conan Exiles solo for the same reason, build pretty fortresses.
for a while its really entertaining
Not really
Yes, if you use all the goddamn cheats
No. Because when mining you make noise which attracts enemies. Tried 5 times on my own and couldn't get 5 ore in second or 3rd zone, where I had over 1000 of previous resources to play with.
I "finished it" solo. But it was less fun than when we finished it in a group of 4. As opposed to what it was clearly copied from ( Conan Exiles ), Valheim suffers from the proc-gen and lack of interesting shit to see. Overall, I'd say co-op for Valheim fun, Conan for a much better SP experience with most of the same gameplay systems.
With a lot of Grind you can somehow do it alone (but its really hard) get at least a 2nd Person ^^ Because the Bosses are after the 2nd a little too hard alone and without someone else he resets/heals himself if you lose Aggro. Get a 2nd Person, the Game is so beautiful and i just wait for the full release before i replay it again ^^
You can play it solo, but I strongly recommend having at least one buddy to stuff with .
For me it is difficult game worth playing with friends but sure you can enjoy it single player