I find it surprising how people find it hard to believe that, atleast in first world countries... women (in general) today tend to abuse the "societal potential difference" between men and women for their advantage, much the same way as men took advantage of the skewed societal potential difference between the sexes (pivoting towards male advantage) for thousands of years.
Call it hypergamy, call it whatever you want, but you can't deny the effect of the needle tipping far past the center after having been pushed to the other side for millennia - it seems inevitable, and those men in society affected by this are simple unfortunate in their timing of existence.
Marsha Robinson
Michael Catuiza
Walt Cosby
Rashmi Tripathy
Pamela Michelle Peavy
Trevor Bowers
June Kiker Poston
Wayne Kirk
Angela Paterson Dell' Arte
Carol Johnson Turner
James Henry Wilkey
Angela Akenson
Jody Foord
Joel Niedo
Maria H Olivera
Sabreena Rose Maria Solesbee
Robert Ferguson
Jay Mark Pagurayan
Dawn Phillips