Walt Cosby
Post: Several ribs are broken, doesn't matter had lunch
Post: Stop breeding defective animals, human scum.
Post: And OP, let's not forget OP
Post: Alright that's actually legit.
Post: I have no idea what G4 is. Sounds like that plastic people like to make knife scales out of.
Post: That film is awesome, and the armor blew my mind
Post: Tattooier?
Post: Same energy
Post: I would definitely have both hands on that pistol
Post: no, you didn't. it's on etsy for over a decade
Post: who got this one
Post: Rasism dosent have a color.
Post: Now I get it, they go from house to house to find Jesus because they've lost him!
Post: well thats the point where a civil war starts isnt it?
Post: As a veteran, this hits hard!
Post: Dude, easy: There is a blackwock, a nasdam, an avindale, a picklot, two driftones and a a hawktang.
Post: Then donate to people who need it
Post: If bringing to the table means being young and a virgin 9Gagers would be of the highest value....
Post: Well said babuska, well said.
Post: naaa usually cocks and pussies are good friends
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