My mom has homeschoolers in her high school classes now, they are so far behind on everything. They dont even know simple Algebra, world history, periodic table, and write and read at 5th and 6th grade levels. Nearly all of them take the painting class as an elective and nearly all of them do is what you would know as is finger painting. 3 of the kids had their parents complain that classes are too hard for their kids, in Oct and classes started a few weeks ago. Beside their parents failing to educate them properly, what really gets my mom is nearly all of them have huge egos thinking they are above the other students and the teachers and throw big fits when they fail to answer a question properly or feel they are being belittled (getting disciplined as a student), one even had the cops of on him.
Leaning how to interact with other people as you grow up is an important lesson that you learn being educated in a public environment
But school system from kindergarten is importnat for socialiazing/learning how to interact with people, solving conflicts, making friends, learning to work in group, how to lead if needed etc... Education system isnt just about "math and grammar" has its purpose. If all kids go to school, they spend time together and your kid is all day at home with parents or private teacher then he/she will have tough time in life. Maybe they will skip gender class or religion class but they will also skip everything else ;-) - like having fun with other kids...
You can choose between making a cunt just like you out him by homeschooling or exposing him to various kinds of cunts which incredible could make a less cunt out of him. It's the cunt principle, which is the more cunts you meet in life, the bigger chances you have to avoid being one.
Homeschooling > Private Schools > Public Schools > Homeschooling Homeschooling is a tricky thing. You either do it really well, or you really fuck it up. Unfortunately, most of the times, people fuck it up.
the only homeschooled ones i know are muricsn christians... they re told allot about the bible... but 10 year olds couldnt even properly do the simplest math tasks... congratulation...
You switched the faces OP
You can send your kids too any form of education while also teaching the things you want, I'm kinda of against homeschooling unless it tutors and actual trained professionals
I sure would like the antisocial conspiracy theorists to stay fuck away from society but unfortunately they rarely do so
People who have the knowledge to properly homeschool usually have jobs and no time for that. People who have time to properly homeschool usually don't have jobs and generally lack the necessary skills. So yeah, it's not the best option - far from it. Unless of course you want your kids to be as bible-thumping as you are, but expect to fail at that as well once they inevitably become adults.
Here in eastern europe, the school is not about to teach something usefull, its about to learn how to behave around people that are rule you. Most of the thing are very outdated, teachers are the wort alcoholic nightmares (also low salary so i can understand). So homescool is absolute haven. We had 6-7 someschooled kids in the school and all of them became sucesfull (as far as i know). The smart, inteligent or talented kids are being bullied, so they have 0 social skill after scool (and several traumas) the popular kids are usualy becomes the very bottom in the society. Both option is sucks. Its almost imposible to learn less usefull things in homeschool than in the regular ones.
It takes alot of time and effort to properly homeschool your kids, if youre planning on keeping him home with a few books while you go to work, that's not home schooling, that's you being a bad parent.
Just create a small local community school entirely funded and monitored by the local.
And then they'll be utterly unprepared to face society once they get out of your grasp and more much more likely to fail.
Regardless of how homeschooled kids perform, the thing I don't get is where people find the time and patience to homeschool their kids. Most people with kids I know (and don't work full-time) are extatic that their kids are gone for a few hours every day.