Ex-simp (I hope ex) here: If she rejected you 1+n times, the n-times are all on you
Seriously, after the first time, every attempt you make you sacrifice more and more of your self respect
Lol I had this one girl lead me on then rug pull me twice. I was the one who did it to her the third time, she was so upset it was hilarious. Told her her x bf’s were right, she’s worthless, which is true
I will leave aside how wrong this is and point out something else. If a woman rejects you multiple times it is obvious she has no high priorities for you. Believe it or not most are glad you've moved on simply because you won't pester her anymore. There are most certainly those that will want your attention as a beta orbiter, but it is on you whether she started to see you as one.
You try and if it doesn't work you move on.
Most of the time they cheer. The real problem is when the guy was friendly only to fuck you and rejects you when he understands that you don't want him and then completely stop to talk with you because you were just a potential fucktoy and the guy never actually cared for you.
Guys u need to stop to keep trying on the same woman. if she doesn't want or plays games with u , just move on , jerk of for mental clarity and find another girl/woman
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