Min Thiha Kyaw
Post: Aaand Leftists find that Muslims don't love them back.
Post: I mean, they are both edited but the first one looks cooler.
Post: Good for you Women should not have a mustache
Post: This guy seems to be like one of those people that spit when they talk
Post: Pfft, didn't even end up a miscarriage. Weak.
Post: Meanwhile, behind the security guards...
Post: Can't choose who you're family is so you shouldn't feel some unearned loyalty to them
Post: You know, boat floats on the water, but stone does not
Post: Weird but I know the pain. How the hell does it happen?
Post: Good gawd
Post: “Marry me, you will.” says Yoda.
Post: “High-tech”
Post: Surprise her with anal sex.
Post: Oink oink
Post: Damn, most of his customers are chicks
Post: That canal is a goner anyway. They know the question is when, not if they gonna lose it
Post: What is that retarded title supposed to mean?
Post: That's why I stay awake until 6am
Post: i like how the guy put him on the side after the knockout for safety
Post: My god what an unbelievable cuck. The levels of cringe are unfathomable
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