If he is not supposed to park there isn't booting the car in the spot it's not supposed to be only continuing the problem, if not making it worst?
Meanwhile tax payer
In my town the police park on the sidewalk outside a restaurant almost daily. Their excuse is that they have to reach the vehicle fast if they need to responde and parking in the regular spot (which in all fairness is in a bad spot) would compromise this. I think it's fair.
This man have my upvote just for the shouting with the cops.
You cant park here sir!
Warden is a fuckin legend!
Cops are there to enforce and not to respect the law. We all know that come on...let the police police the police...suree
in our country police cannot give a fine to another police officer, they can only fill complaint about personnel management and then they have to go to their superior to explain what happend and get their bonuses lowered, but since complaint about personnel management is a annoying to fill many officers just dont give a fuck when other officer park like a bellend...
All cops are bastards, the parking attendant is a fucking G though.
That's how it should be. American cops should learn from this.
Safe to say, he crossed the line
Gunshoting when?
What's funny about this is, cops are allowed to disregard traffic rules if it's pursuant to police activities. So regardless if this cop was getting breakfast or not, the cop now gets to sit in the car and wait till this "situation" is resolved and get paid for it and he doesn't have to respond to 911 calls till the car gets unbooted. That's win for the cop who can eat his breakfast now Lmaoo ironic consequences but a welcomed one
They're both wrong... the cop for parking there, but the meter maid for booting him and escalating the situation... surprise surprise, it's 2 cops on a power trip.
Staged?! Maybe? Why should he be so aggressive from the start?
The guy coming, nonchalantly out of MacD, I can almost hear him saying "your'awight'mate" to the traffic warden