Marina Egorova
Post: Then donate to people who need it
Post: Just remember to replace the batteries
Post: Celebrity worship is ultra cringe
Post: That’s poop
Post: You can’t even crop correctly so chances of you being able to do a push up is very low.
Post: fap before you clap
Post: Should I say sorry or congratulations?
Post: Someone was aiming right
Post: Doesn't need to be aggressive about it.
Post: Sure 9 can help you. You can find lots of wives here
Post: All you need are a couple red LEDs
Post: A lot of good games. Such memories, thanks for the trip.
Post: Greeks be like: im not high but at least I got 2 more points than turkey. Big win.
Post: The netherlands be like
Post: Good for you, Poland - not a bloodthirsty lunatic like Balkans, but thirsty enough.
Post: Damn, most of his customers are chicks
Post: If bringing to the table means being young and a virgin 9Gagers would be of the highest value....
Post: Haha awesome. I know what I’ll buy my friend’s daughter next
Post: Everything is fun and games until those guys show up
Post: Imagine being killed by this little shit equiped with a gun
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