I don't think so. China's economy is 10x greater than Russia's. Plus, China spends 3x more with the military than Russia. A war between those two would be quite one-sided, barred the use of nukes. But, without USA, those two would certainly be attacking every single one of their neighbours.
Without USA, Julian Assange would be having fun with his happy family right now.
The world was at peace and there was zero conflict before 1776.
nah...Chinese(hun) are not the fighting kind of people, they are bullying kind
Without Russia, every one would be better of. Change my mind
Imagine world as USA. Challenging, opportunistic, perhaps with hint of Illuminati. Imagine it as China: no dogs, no cats, not even any bats, everybody studies diligently to get sent to mine asteroids for the Party Now imagine it as Russia. Yeah. 0 days without suicidal thoughts.
I know a cool guy that got droned by America in the middle east. And the terrorist get to go home hailed as American hero.
Better yet, without those two, USA wouldn't need to be world police.
I wouldn't doubt china is already thinking about tender russia is right now. When russia loses this war, I wouldn't doubt china could easily take Manchuria back and if not push further.
Dont care about you mind , change my mind
Without USA there would be world peace already. Libya would be 1st world country, Yugoslavia would be good too.
Without UK+USA: Germany+Russia united would be #1. Remember that China gained it's wealth by becoming a factory for the US. Germany and Russia were separated by US as much as possible. Devide and conquer
Of course. You take one player out, no matter wich, you change the game. If you take the dominant guy out, immediately beta and gamma will fight for leadership. The naivety of so many that think the USA are a problem and the replacement would be better is both, hilarious and dangerous. Without the USA, you would all drown in your own blood.
The last time China went to war war in the 1970s, when it was much weaker than it is now. As much as the Americans might want to (laughably and hypocritically) make them out to be warmongers, they really aren’t. Certainly not for their size and power. The Americans are not stopping anyone from going to war, unless they have a treaty to do so. Ukraine is a fine example.
The question is why is USA involved in a border dispute between russians thousands of miles away?
Great conclusion, how could someone be so smart!!
Achtually, their interest is pretty different. China wanted Asia and South East Asia. Russia want east Europe and possible central Europe too. Basically without US interference, they will divide their gain. Dictator tend to be friendly when their interest doesn't go against each other. The world just sucks, US is the least bad. At least when US commit atrocities, their internal politics will punish them. Which is why US didn't glass entire Afganistan even though they can. Russia do glass Syria and no one mad at them except the Syrian