Andy Kovesdy
Post: Fuck off paid promoter
Post: With out the USA that two porbably already tag team the world.
Post: What's WTF about this? Looks about right.
Post: Delete all sections, they don't matter anyway
Post: not anymore buddy
Post: And so the PIE CHART was born
Post: I'm sure they have a completely capable government to assist in the aftermath... Oh, wait...
Post: Kanye literally sitting on his pile of money like scrooge mcduck laughing at shit like this.
Post: Good luck the next four years then
Post: I'm ready go tonight There's a party, alright So the grooves make me move oh yeah
Post: Plot twist: He actually wants to kill her.
Post: Wow, you've turned hand food into plate food for no good reason.
Post: Nope! Prepare to bail after season 9.
Post: ty for circling it, i would have missed it otherwise
Post: Bruh give some love to calisto protocol
Post: fuck off with your propaganda
Post: Then donate to people who need it
Post: If bringing to the table means being young and a virgin 9Gagers would be of the highest value....
Post: He fingered a chick once. She died.
Post: Paintball but with real bullet
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