w t f surrounded you?
Poor brainwashed bastards. Not even sorry for them. Now get nicely in line and jump into that ukrainian meatgrinder like a good blyat you are.
“Not letting us live freely” I’m pretty sure that’s your own government doing…
Or good propaganda
I can't believe JD joined the Russians
It's just a FSB agent or agents there to film this shit. They were out of uniforms seconds after they finished filming. It's so obviously scripted lines, that it's almost cringe to watch.
Wow they seem to be consuming propaganda they have fed them well... So far they have been fighting mostly with Ukranian forces and perhaps a few hundreds volunteers and/or foreign nationals that happen to be living permanently in Ukrain...And they are loosing bad. If they had to actually fight against other foreign armies Russia would have lost 90% of its lands by now and Putin would have launched nukes. Resulting in the remaining 10% of what's left of Russia to become a very neat crater due to the reataliation.
Good old siege mentality, nothing beats that...
50-70% of the world took up arms? I didn't know that Ukraine is bigger than China and India together.
His body language says: "Mommy i want to come home."
Having your own point of view does not make you free to invade sovereign nations nor make everyone else obliged to trade with you.
If it's only 50%, means they are not wrong
Just stay home, and percentage of hate will decrease fast.
alive and healthy he says...i give it 24 hours
My guy planning his surrender ..
MOTHERFUCKER YOU CAN LIVE IN PIECES FOR THE FUCKING POINTS OF VIEWS YOU HAVE! Nobody threatened your lives, you're the assholes that THINK everyone is threatening you! And if 50-70% of the fucking world took arms against you, is because YOU are doing something stupid! Wake up motherfuckers and realize how dumb you are and how TWISTED your points of view are! Rest in fucking pieces, you pieces of shit!
Same picture as the genocidal serbs and their Hitler slobodan milosevic. "Everyone is against us", we must defend". We all saw how that ended, lol.
I see dead people
Defending the ruZZian land by invading... his family deserves a Lada for this speach