Apology because you didn't pick up the phone? Which Snowflake demands that? "missed your call, what's up?"
My old friend from 10 years back reconnected with me a couple of weeks ago. We started the asynchronous conversation, in the end he asked me how I am doing. I knew that response will take me a while, and I decided write it later when I get back to my PC. And then the depression hit. I had work to do, but I just could not start it. I sat in limbo for days, not being able to relax and at the same time not being able to start working. I did not sleep because I had anxiety from skipping my duties. Sleeping schedule got wrecked, stopped going to the gym (or outside for that matter). Could not force myself to cook, ate crap, like chocolate and ice-cream the whole day to feel at least little bit good, but it still did not help. Then on the weekend I was finally able to force myself into gym, as I could not bear to sit at home any longer. Went for a nice meal afterwards, and then the fog started to lift. Finally get my stuff done at work yesterday. And then I had to write my friend an apolog
Why do I feel like she has no idea what depression is like to experience. She just thinks its a cute trend to post on her social media
Just stop being sad
In the same boat. Recently went to get a diagnosis and was told I have dysthymia = chronical depression. This has been going on for over 4 years now. Its very sad.
if you really know about depression, you would know people who are depressed do not think they can even go as far as getting well one day because all their last hope is destroyed. having hopes up, destroyed, again hopes up, and then destroyed continuously. If being embarrassed for a moment can solved their depression, everyone of them is willing to do it.
Yeah, and it's not helping that severe phases of depression usually come with short term memory loss, so most of the time you don't even remember to whom you should apologise.
That part is alright. People isolate, it is how it is. The real problem is only when the person (not everyone) acts stomping on everyone else's own pains and acts all "oh but you all have to accept my depression" and does absolutely nothing to respect other people's woes. Then it becomes a vicious cycle of drama.
I remember when I fell into a depression, but not severe enough to stop caring about diet, exercise and my beautiful appearance.
Obviously the new dumb tiktok thing is being depressed, since I keep hearing it. Most of these idiots are around the age of 14 and havent even gone through something that would be able to cause real depression like losing a child or parent. Fcking annoying dumb kids. New trend is smoking too, I see a lot of dumb children smoke now. Since im not on tiktok and other social media a lot as an outsider I can see these dumb ass trends
The number one reason why people get depressed is because they feel they have to apologize for problems that don’t even exist.
Depression is embarrassing because you let yourself fall into things like drinking until blacking out, or driving at top speed into the rain at night, and if you make it to the other side, you then have to explain to your "loved ones" why you were so selfish, not thinking about their pain of losing you.
Bitch now nothing bout depression
Fuck off to Twitter!
"I can't blaim white men for this one, so I need to find a different scapegoat." -LovelyAna & OP
Why dafuq you apologizing. Step one in recovery, fuck everyone and focus on you. Live for yourself, not your Facebook, instagram, Twitter reputation. Get out of the cities. Take walk in the woods and nature, no headphones no videos, just a gps on your phone (so you don't get lost) and learn what you want to do.
i've been out of it for a year but I've avoided talking with a couple of friends cuz I dread the whole talk. ugh.