Kath Lyn Dichosa
Post: $2808 for las Vegas FYI, what the actual fuck!?
Post: Every tourist trap capital city is overrated af
Post: Tonight I become the prime minister, Richard yells at a cow and James gets lost in an Ikea
Post: I had that same issue until I was about 11yo
Post: We (the society) made it embarrassing
Post: "finally i will have my own widow pension soon or ať least New lada" Look...
Post: Respect for every (combat)-medic. Doesnt matter which side they‘re on.
Post: Actually looks awesome
Post: I don't think this photo is real.
Post: Disappointed that neither of the trucks hit the car.
Post: When she had a dream where you cheated
Post: In Sweden we just let our least favourite kid climb around up there (me as a kid)
Post: You'll need this instead.
Post: Imagine how confusing the storyboard process of this scene was.
Post: well thats the point where a civil war starts isnt it?
Post: Un pingouin c est pas un manchot....
Post: For comparison tank obstacles in Germany 80 years later. Highest about 1,8 meters
Post: Cristiano Ronaldo
Post: The bird:
Post: Paintball but with real bullet
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