What's more heartbreaking?
The fact that he doesn't reciprocate your feelings, or the possibility that he would, but you'd never see each other ever again?
For me it was a blessing in disguise. As for getting over him, time is the answer
You're already really brave, you put yourself in a vulnerable position and confessed your feelings. Unfortunately it wasn't meant to be. I can't give you advice how to move forward, that is for you to find out. Just don't be too hard on yourself please!
Rejection is a normal part of life and while it sucks, he won't be the last one you will fall for.
If you feel down, throw yourself into work or your hobbies or find a new one you can do.
Meet friends and do stuff. Work out. Distract yourself and eventually it'll be fine again.
You did well, it'll hurt for a while but you'll get closure, now don't obsess over it. What you're feeling now is what the vast majority of men goes through several times in their life. It'll get better after a little while.
Why are you 'heartbroken' by someone that doesn't care about you? It's like being heartbroken that a character in a video game can't have sex with you.
Congrats, you had the balls that 99% of people does not have, now you have no regrets, no wondering in 30 years time what if. You can be proud of yourself, you are one badass. As for the feeling, it will pass. Take some time for yourself and get out and do it again, dont ever think you confessing was a bad thing cause it was not. You must do it again and who knows maybe the next one will blow your mind. On a personal note, please go to the shop and get yourself a potato for this long post, sorry I dont have one
Best way to go over it is time... and reconsidering, evaluation and making proper conclusions, which again come with time.
There is no proper fast and painless way to get over it. Such things hurt and thats how they make us stronger next time. It is probably a good time to concentrate on some of your hobbies, spend time with friends etc to not drown in overthinking or depression.
But definitely dont go into a quick half-baked relationship with some rando just to compemnsate for the pain. Dont go into any relationship until you deal with previous pain / love and are reformed emotionaly. Because such relationships will not work long term and are built on unstable basis
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