Ok, so I'm currently doing some chemistry: Q: You know how in atoms, within the nucleus you have positively charged protons and neutrons? then you have electrons in a cloud surrounding the nucleus. K. Now, you know how "like" charges repel one another? K great. So, we know electrons can be given up to one another to create bonds with other atoms. Then--I figure since electrons and protons have the same amount each, their behaviours should be the same. So what happens in the nucleus when the protons get excited, repelling each other like mofos? Can they rip out of the nucleus? Does that happen? Is that a thing?
why, no matter the post, op always sucks dicks?
Why, on wikipedia, there are subspecies for tiger (eg. Panthera tigris soloensis, Panthera tigris sondaica) but there is no for human (Homo sapiens ....?).
If transsexual people feel "masculine"/"feminine", how do they know what masculinity/femininity feels like?
Is water wet
Is P=NP?
Pee stored where?
Why people dislike jews?
Is gravity a wave?
So it is proven that in nature, nothing exists without its source. If gold in it's purest form suddenly disappears, gold ore will stop to exist. Water, movement, trees, this rule applies to everything. Everything and anything we see must have an undying original source to survive or it will stop to exist. Now, something at some point turned a life potential complex thing to a living decision making organism. What was it? How did it do it? If life still exists and it is recurring, does the source still exist too?
A teleportation device makes a copy of a person and destroys the original. Will the person just think that it traveled to another place? Another device creates TWO copies. One copy at the place A. the other one at the place B. Where will the consciousness of the person reappear, A or B?
Why rainbow is multicolor and sky is different shades of blue?
If atoms are mostly empty space, why can we touch stuff and not go through everything we try to touch ? In the same idea, if the connection between atoms is so strong, why can I cut my bread with a normal knife?
is it possible to explain or find an answer to free will by using the fundamental forces of the universe as the medium of the argument.
Aliens have the ability to make human-animal hybrids. They made a wolf-human hybrid, who is fertile, and female, and give her a minimum of parenting as she is growing up. She becomes quite large by human standards, has the strength of four gorillas, and teeth to crush bones. She is also highly intelligent, but also very emotional. She has spent time underground, preying on the weak. Her wolf side has a simp for the "pack", her human side has a genetic predisposition to fit in with "society". She struggles with her animal urges, and her human urges. You are locked in a room with her, and she has promised not to hurt you- yet. What do you do or say, how would you appeal to both sides of her, if you treat her like an animal she will respond in kind and eat you, if you treat her like a human, probably not better results, either. Due to trauma he is also highly offendable and very insecure. How do you survive with her?
How do magnets work?
I don't get how gravity or magnetism or other "pulling" powers work. How can a partical transfer negative momentum?
We've never measured the true speed of light, only the round trip time divided by 2. What are your solutions for this?