He hated allegory "I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence. I much prefer history – true or feigned– with its varied applicability to the thought and experience of readers. I think that many confuse applicability with allegory, but the one resides in the freedom of the reader, and the other in the purposed domination of the author."
It's no deal when you see it as what it is: A show adaptation of a fantasy universe. You can be against it and hate. It's totally fine. I just don't understand why the people make more out of it
This is dumb
yeah, you erase history by changing stuff in a tv series based in fictional land. wow, this is retarded.
Bro, wtf are you on about? Just watch it or don't.
Oh no. Black people in my series!.... anyway
Bullshit. Tolkien wrote all of his works because he wanted to create an alternative world with fantastic new lore. That is why all the works are completely different in style. Since his personal world was mainly influenced by European history, his work is, too. He simply had no reference points for anything else. He might have known that African people exist, but he will not have been knowledgeable about their lore or anything. But Tolkien was definitely not a racist.
I'm sorry but the whole "omg you can't put a black dwarf in a fantasy series" is absolutely ridiculous. Even I got infected and was like omg no but then I thought let's watch it. It's a great show, I don't know what else to say. None of the characters look installed or anything.
I was typing a whole long essay about empathy and the history of the film industry but at the end of the day I've got too much to do in too little time, and this guy's hair alone marks him out as a prick. Go eat a dick OP
That's some next-level retardation there. He's all over the place. Funny though. Love how people are getting triggered over fairytales now.
Here's a suggestion: If y'all triggered so hard by this topic, why don't you go outside and start a fight with the next black person you see. Let's try to face the issues you have in real life
Okay. It's based off history, so no black people, but dragons and whatnot are fine. Nice cherry-picking, racist snowflake
Wow get over it already. There's like 3 black characters
Simply correct
It's always amusing swing the anti woke turn into the cry baby snowflakes they always said they hated
Dude... stop caring about that shit. No one is talking about... just you and a few other dumb. So stop getting likes. You bring it back to public idiot. Its dead. Be happy.
Another stupid person and OP fell for it.