Justin Skaggs
Post: When she had a dream where you cheated
Post: so, what it's not even that bad just clean up after festival
Post: Who watches this trash and takes it seriously? Honestly
Post: Whether she plays soccer or not - she's still a keeper.
Post: Not even a SINGLE black person worked on this project.
Post: Tomorrow in news: Stupid teens drown in bucket od water
Post: What kind of Looney Tooney shit is this?
Post: You misspelled dumb
Post: I didn't know dwarves, hobbits, elves etc. were an historical depiction of Europe.
Post: If unsticking your hand hurts maybe you shouldn't super glue it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Post: Biden being president is elder abuse
Post: Sauce please
Post: Now I get it, they go from house to house to find Jesus because they've lost him!
Post: Okay, i will be the first mentioning it. Romania
Post: Good for you, Poland - not a bloodthirsty lunatic like Balkans, but thirsty enough.
Post: Gee, they must have been playing Horizon Forbidden West.
Post: Meanwhile, on the other side of the front
Post: Easy. Atlantis.
Post: Damn...I think I should also now start a family.
Post: the penis ring of the future
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