People have always loved nonsense lyrics, people dont even listen to lyrics in the first place. They will let kids listen to song about drugs and sex and rape and give no shit
heck even on we love our good ol
And a couple years ago, Anders Nilsen proved that the western market would like anything sung in Spanish, even if it's nonsense, with his song Salsa Tequila
This sums up italian music, lyrics is shit and almost nobody hear or care the nonsense s**t words in songs, the only difference with nowadays songs is that they have true words, but still nonsense..
Lish Oglesby
Syed Danial Jamshaaccount
Makenzie Rossman
Jered Quarles
Jessie Rankin
Chris Smith
Missy Childers
Elaine Fragua
Jackie Snyder
Francis Parisien
Doods Jet Cunanan
Maxine Robinson
Davaccount Terrell
Bronson Kittler
Wildel Garcia
Christopher Fawcett
Jennifer Arellano
Saleem Nawaz
Bunnary Hang