Just go watch other movies? They are still there, for every marvel movie they make 70 non marvel movies, last week on my cinema there wasn't any marvel movie
Just watched "The Mask" again the other day ... To be honest, there was a huge nostalgia filter over that movie in my head. Don't get me wrong. It's not a bad movie, but It's not great either. The effects were groundbreaking for the time and Jim Carrey's performance is spot on, but the story is "meh" at best. Go and watch it again. You'll see that I'm right.
None of these movies were blockbusters in terms of big productions. And Pulp Fiction a pure indie movie. Open your eyes to the amazing movies that also exist nowadays
1994 also featured The Lion King, Shawshank etc... all good movies, but OP just let people do their thing and enjoy movies, you don't have to watch them. On a side-note in Pulp Fiction there was also a moron wearing spandex, so just gtfo
Abdul Rashaccount
Kay Stansberry
Samantha Shizzam Rife
Gina Passarella
Sheteka Villa
Rosey Paul
Inez Rubio
Val Dodge
Beatriz Madero
Billie Tyer
Ryan Lee
JUlz QuiNonez
Marianne Paul
Shannon S Green
Tina Hutchins
Lonnie Heath
Leanne Cartwright
Muhammad Naseer
Marjorie Marie Webb