Crystal Morandi
Post: fucking florida is mordor, couldn't fit better
Post: Man.. They just attention whores. Not at all sensible persons.
Post: I always watch these waiting for the pogo to break. Disappointed.
Post: Beatings cure such behavior.
Post: do you know how many dogs Walt Disney skinned to make those dog suits for the stuntmen
Post: 2024 my god... i got time to forget about it 10 times between now and then
Post: Only 20 years away!
Post: Who eats less than a whole pizza?!
Post: "It's the writing it down part that makes it not arson" LMFAO!
Post: Every tourist trap capital city is overrated af
Post: Captain ?
Post: You did what you came here to do OP. I respect that. Now consume my spunk, no homo.
Post: Wait you’re talking to people?
Post: He will apeal, win reduced most of it, then declare bankcruptcy and then live out of donations
Post: They look great
Post: Clarification to the post. Belgorod authorities confirm 11 dead and 15 injured.
Post: Pontiac Sunfire 1999 - 190km/h
Post: I preffer this visual explanation
Post: Judging by how Adam Sandler looks on this photo, this kid is now a middle aged man
Post: "that I drew" And this is where the fairy tale begins
Post: Same, tapi yg ini versi retardeddnya sama kayak bahasanya
Post: The netherlands be like
Post: Bruh give some love to calisto protocol
Post: That canal is a goner anyway. They know the question is when, not if they gonna lose it
Post: I like him as a comedian, but never understand people chasing celebrities.
Post: He fingered a chick once. She died.
Post: Funfact, they actually killed a kid to make the scebe as realistic as possible
Post: My god what an unbelievable cuck. The levels of cringe are unfathomable
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