what Americans see: haha we pranked her with this
what europeans see: hat at the dinner table and not having the food on the table for everyone but make them go get buffet style
Happends to me in Germany. It was April 20th. But they had a different movement with the right arm and sing a different hymn. After that evening i ve never been there again. And that was no Joke for them.
This seems familiar somehow.... Hmmmmm...
Oh yeah I remember:
"Ich schwöre: Ich werde dem Führer des Deutschen Reiches und Volkes
Adolf Hitler treu und gehorsam sein, die Gesetze beachten,
und meine Amtspflichten gewissenhaft erfüllen, so wahr mir Gott helfe."
Monalisa Basu
LeeAnn Shane Clutter
Dawn Miller
Aviona Lopez
Heather Ellis
Jessica Bohannon
Lesty Miles
Sieku Chiri Sambu
Marsha Robinson
Janet Beattie
Zack Ael
Kristen Youngblood
Crystal Trofholz
Olabiyi Olugbenga Damilare
Tonia Willie Caudle
Tina Blanton
Matilda Lot
Kalpana Srivastava
Yharen Jade Wencci