Jessica Bohannon
Post: Thanks, not gonna eat that.
Post: For the millionth time, botfly larva.
Post: More of a Kanye East guy myself
Post: The level of stupidity match the average brain on this platform
Post: Rattatar, the lord of gifts
Post: The diploma you’re most proud of. In your case, probably being able to tie your shoes
Post: Chemical brothers music.
Post: Great man. Someone buy him some fish and chips
Post: Nice try ubisoft bot now fuck off
Post: nope thats how they move when their ballz itch.
Post: Plot twist: He actually wants to kill her.
Post: A lot of good games. Such memories, thanks for the trip.
Post: Same, tapi yg ini versi retardeddnya sama kayak bahasanya
Post: ty for circling it, i would have missed it otherwise
Post: Just perfect Contraya!
Post: fuck off with your propaganda
Post: Before you love someone else try love yourself first
Post: Easy. Atlantis.
Post: Haha awesome. I know what I’ll buy my friend’s daughter next
Post: Paintball but with real bullet
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