Old age
Not yet m8, you cant die right now. You and i r gonna watch the end of humanity together... And then we can die for good
Go jihad on russia somewhere
Lift weight (even a little) Earn money (even a little)
Change your scenery, fam. Go on a long vacation. Or, if your job isn't particularly good, just quit it. Go hike in a forest for a few days. Move to a different city. Go live on a farm for a while, help out with work. Fresh scenery = fresh perspective
Man, didn't expect gers to be so positive.
They will be sad no matter the way you die…
Im currently battling the same demons man.. Just keep going, everyday. get up try say something positive about yourself and just get up. Hopefully it gets better and easier.. The world is a cold hard place but we will be fine and grow.
Sheesh, all you "i just wanna die" pussies....fear of death is THE MOST uncontrolable and deep fear we have. If you're soooo over that, what stops you from doing literally anything? Go shoot some drug dealers (you'll do humanity or at least a neighbourhood a favor), take their money and drugs and be a fucking star for a month. Then move to the next drug dealer Or join a war and fight for something you believe in. Or join some humanitarian organization and confort those dying from ebola Released from the fear of death you can do ANYTHING and yet all you do is bitch about it on You are a sad, bullshiting fuck
become a christian, go to do mission in a muslim country, get killed, go to heaven
Yesterday I went clubing, girls didn't even notice me, I think I'm invisible to them
Try to beat the world record for most wanks in a day and die by heart attack like a man!
Stay alive if you really want your family not sad....
1. Your family will be sad no matter how you die. 2. Please be brave enough to talk about your inner struggles with the people that are close to you. Hiding it. like in this picture, makes it so much harder for people to understand and support you. You´ll be surprised how many people show how much they care for you, as soon as you open up to them 3. You are not alone in this. As someone who almost comitted suicide before, I know that the problems you´re facing seem unbearable. But no matter what it is, your head makes them seem so much more threatening than they actually are, and with the right treatment and care, you ll realize that there is always a better way through them, than suicide. Stay strong, please!
Have u ever tried crack?
Get a lobotomy
You're suffering from a lack of direction and confidence. It's easy to say you're suicidal (in a manner I'd speaking), than to actually see and deal with the problem.